The Happiness Equation Part III – Crafting an Empowering Response

In Part I of this blog series, you learned the mathematical equation to achieving success and happiness in your life.  The equation is:


Happiness       =      (Life’s Events You Can Control + Life’s Events You Can’t Control) + Your Response


We then went on to examine those events in your life that you can control and concluded that the best way to deal with such events is to in fact do what we can to exercise control over those events.  Manipulate, shape and mold those events to suit your purposes as much as possible.


The critical factors that determine how you will be able to control those events, we learned, are your willingness to take responsibility for your life and your ability and willingness to take massive action towards the achievement of your goals and desires.


We learned in Part II of this blog series that the approach to dealing with Life's Events You Can't Control is to ACCEPT THEM.  We must accept those things in life which, by their very definition, we have no control over.


Anything less than acceptance of things we can’t control is futile and leads to nothing but stress and frustration.


Crafting an Empowering Response


This final part in the bog series is about adopting an empowering response to everything that happens to you in your life.  Life is about the meaning you attach to life’s events.  Regardless of what actually happens in your life, you ALWAYS have the ability to determine what meaning you give to a particular event, occurrence or thing.


In the end, two different people will often have diametrically opposed responses to the same life event.  One person will adopt a negative, disempowering meaning, while another chooses a more positive empowering meaning.  Ultimately the choice is ALWAYS ours.  And the approach we take will determine how that event or occurrence will shape our lives, from simple insignificant things that occur everyday to life changing events and transactions that happen only occasionally.


Some people don’t agree with this approach, but it is the true nature of things.  Opponents feel that certain life events are negative and can only be interpreted in a negative way while other life events are positive and can be interpreted positively.  A death can only be negative, for instance.  Someone losing their job can only be negative.  A person winning the lottery can only be positive.  A person receiving a promotion is inherently positive.


That approach is both simplistic and naive and leaves a person far too few options to allow an empowering response.  The choice of what meaning you give to an event is entirely yours.  What makes a life event positive or negative is solely a matter of interpretation and you are the person who is tasked with the job of fashioning that interpretation.


Take for instance someone who loses his job.   The person’s response to the loss of his job can vary from opposite ends of the extreme.  I use this example because it actually happened to some friends of mine a few years ago.  Two of my friends had similar executive positions with the same company.  Both had been there for many years, were of similar age and were very comfortable and set in their ways.  When the parent company announced that their particular facility would be closing down, both executives lost their job.  One of them was devastated.  He felt it would be difficult to find a similar job, was afraid of what the future held going forward and went into a deep depression for many months before he could accept what had happened and move on.  His health, finances and family life were deeply affected in a negative way.


The other chose a different approach.  He immediately accepted the reality of the situation and resigned himself to the fact that things would need to change.  Rather than sulk, fret and agonize over the situation, he chose to take a more empowering approach to the challenge.  He had always toyed around with using his knowledge and expertise gained from his many years of employment in a consulting business and decided that the loss of his job presented the perfect opportunity to pursue this option.  So he got a part-time job with a local company doing some executive work so he could pay the bills and opened up his consulting business on the side.  Within 9 months, he had landed enough new consulting clients that he was able to quit his part-time employment and devote his full attention to his new business.  His business is now flourishing and he makes more money than he ever did at his original company and enjoys the work he does immensely.  When he thinks about what had happened only months earlier, he recognizes that the loss of his job was the most fantastic thing that happened to him in years.  In fact, the job loss per se was neither positive nor negative.  It was his response to the job loss that allowed him to cast a positive spin on the life event.


The Neurolinguistic Programming Approach


We can learn a lot of valuable lessons on fashioning an empowering response from NLP.  A fundamental presupposition of neurolinguistic programming is particularly applicable here.


It goes as follows:


In other words, we must look for the more empowering meaning behind everything that happens.  When something doesn’t work out the way we planned or expect, rather than label that something a failure, we can choose to look for an empowering meaning that serves us.  At the most basic level, if all we do is learn something that will help us in the future, a “failed” attempt can be transformed into a positive learning experience.


The question that I leave you to contemplate for another day is, how does one craft an empowering response that propels them forward?


I invite you to share your thoughts on the question below.


Until next time,
Make each day count!
Pat Filice

The Happiness Equation – Part II – Life’s Event’s You Cannot Control

In Part I of The Happiness Equation, we looked at the three components of the formula:

  1. Life’s Events You Can Control
  2. Life’s Events You Can’t Control and
  3. Your Response

Those are the different variables of the Happiness Equation. If you can manipulate and control those variables, you can maximize the happiness you experience in your life. It’s as simple as that.

Well, OK, . . . maybe there is a bit more to it than that. But you get the picture. If you can think of things in terms of those you can control and those you cannot and then fashion your response accordingly, you will stand a much better chance of enjoying what life gives you.

This part of the Happiness Equation focuses on those life’s events that you cannot control.


Life’s Events You Cannot Control

Life inevitably deals us cards that we simply have no control over. We are born to certain parents. We grow up in a particular country. We inherit certain genes from our ancestors. We are born to a particular ethnicity. Our parents were poor. Our parents were alcoholics. The list goes on and on.

And the there are those life events that just seem to happen and that we are totally helpless to control. A tsunami destroys our village. A recession kills our business. A zoning by-law causes our property value to plummet.

These are all variables that we have absolutely no control over.

Too many of us agonize and fret over things that we have absolutely no control over. We constantly remind ourselves of the bad things that have happened to us in the past. We fight those items in our present reality when we have no real ability to change them. We lose sleep over what fate may bring us tomorrow including items that we have no ability to manipulate. And it is all for naught because by definition these things we worry about cannot be controlled.

We expend precious energy and work ourselves up into a real frenzy about how a particular reality is not right, unfair and just doesn’t work.


The Solution

So, what do we do in the face of life events that we really have no control over?


We have to learn to stop fighting what is and cannot be changed. Instead, accept it. Embrace it. Or at the very least, make the best of it. By definition, it cannot be changed. So any effort or energy spent ultimately resisting that reality is lost, or worse, will serve only to frustrate, sadden and anger you.

Instead, channel that energy into crafting a powerful response to that life event.

In Part III of The Happiness Equation, we will look at how to control the response that you attach to life’s events.

Till next time . . .

Make each day count!

Pat Filice

The Happiness Equation Part I: The Mathematics of Happiness?

Wouldn't it be great if you could achieve happiness with mathematical precision?  I mean, wouldn't it be so easy if you could boil down the components of happiness into a single equation that you could manipulate and manage to achieve everything that you want in life?  You could identify which variable is working and which is not and just change those components that are not functioning properly.


Result - a perfectly functional life filled with joy and happiness – all with mathematical precision!


While happiness is not an exact science and does not lend itself to strict formulaic calculation, I have formulated an equation for happiness that can be a very useful tool for understanding the nature of happiness and to guide us in making meaningful changes to explode the quality of our lives.  Here it is!


Happiness      =      Life's Events + Your Response


That’s it!  Nothing more to it than that.  Happiness is a function of life’s events and your response to life’s events.


Ok, ok, you want more.  Let me break this down a little bit further and then elaborate.


Happiness       =      (Life's Events You Can Control + Life's Events You Can't Control) + Your Response


Enough with the math you say!  How does all this help you in your quest for happiness?  Very simple!  If you understand each of the three components to happiness, you can then begin to manipulate or change that component and create the change and happiness that you want to see in the world.


Life’s Events You Can Control


Many of life’s events are a direct result of your own actions, at least to some degree.  Your mark on next week’s math test is to a very large extent directly within your power.   So is your relationship with your child, whether you go to work or not tomorrow or whether you take up piano lessons.


For those things that you can in fact exercise some degree of control over, do just that!  Take control and do what is necessary to bring about change.


Two things are important here:


  1. Take Responsibility for Yourself – You are the architect of your own reality. Don’t let anyone else or any particular life event deprive you of the happiness that is your birthright.  Take responsibility for your situation in life and resolve to make the changes you need to create happiness.  No one else will do it for you!
  2. Take Massive Action – Nothing ever happened from thought alone, contrary to what many new age “gurus” say.  Study any of the most successful people and you will see a very clear pattern – they all take massive action towards the achievement of their desires.  You must also take massive action on those things that you can change.


In Parts II and III of The Happiness Equation, we will look at Life’s Events you Can’t Control and Your Response.


Till next time . . .


Make each day count!


Pat Filice

The Law of Association

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Jim Rohn

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.  Most of us have probably heard this famous expression from legendary business coach Jim Rohn.  This principle applies to every aspect of your life.   Your finances will tend to be the average of the finances of the people you spend most of your time with.  Your health will tend to be the average of the people you spend most of your time with.  Your spirituality will be the average of the people you spend most of your time with.  And so on, and so on . . .
This is the Law of Association - the universal notion that “birds of a feather flock together” and it permeates every aspect of your life.  If the people you associate with have generally negative attitudes, you will almost certainly develop a negative attitude, if you don’t already have one.  If the people you hang with are constantly looking at life with a positive forward looking outlook, so too shall you.
Understand this principle well.  If the five closest people around you have a negative philosophy.  If they are constantly complaining, blaming circumstances and others for their plight, failing to take action and worse, being counterproductive and destructive, it will be virtually impossible for you to do anything but the same.


So, what does all this mean?  Quite simply, you need to be consciously aware of who you spend the bulk of your time with each day and week of your existence for you shall become the average of such persons. You will create a reality consistent with the thoughts and intentions of those whom you associate with. Those with whom you associate will either empower you to be the best you can be, grow and be happy, or they will disempower you causing stagnation and misery.
My father used to always say to me that I should hang around with people who were better than me.  I only superficially understood that when I was a child.  But I sure do understand it now.  In fact, I do recall a time when I was learning to play tennis and would go to the court almost every day.  I got better and better, but then couldn’t seem to improve further.  The reason was because the couple of guys I played with were below my level of expertise in tennis at the time.  It wasn’t until I started playing some rounds against some of the better players at the club that I started realizing where my weaknesses were and then began to improve.  I would never have made such improvements but for my change in company at the tennis club.


So, you should immediately take a personal inventory of the time you spend each day with others and the “quality” of the individuals with whom you associate.  If you find that they are not empowering you, then perhaps you should resolve to start spending less time with such people and look for people more at your caliber and higher to bring you up rather than pull you down the evolutionary success scale.


I am not suggesting that you abandon any particular person in your life just because they may not be the most positive, constructive and inspiring person.  We’d all end up ditching most of our relationships if that was the case.  I am simply suggesting that if you spend most of your time with the same people each week and these people are not bringing out the best in you, then maybe you should start spending less time with those people and more time with those who are empowering you. There is nothing wrong with consciously choosing to be with those who inspire and empower you.  I never stopped playing tennis with my original tennis buddies.  I just played against them a little less frequently opting to play against the better players.


This concept is just a natural extension of the use of modelling to achieve greatness.  One of the things we stress in all of our programs is that if you want to succeed at a particular task, skill or endeavour, simply find someone who is already successful in that area and do what they do.  In other words, get a mentor.  Well, if you buy into that logical solution to mastery, then doesn’t it naturally follow that if you want to succeed generally, you should “hang” with people who are succeeding, growing and inspirational.  We all know the answer to that question.


So, every once in a while, when you find that something in your life is not quite at the level that you had hoped it would be, ask yourself whether those around you on a regular basis are contributing to that reality or not.  If you find that those around you are not inspiring you to grow and succeed, look for new friends, family and associates who you can hang with that share the same ideals and philosophy as yourself.

Press Release: The Happy App to Launch Oct. 1 with Life Coach Pat Filice

Release Date: September 30, 2013

Contact:  Edwin Edebiri, CHO


Telephone: 415-377-6590


HAPPY BUTTON! There is an App for that!

Davis, California – The “I Am Happy Project” is launching a mobile app called the “Happy Button” to help users improve their health, relationships, work and life by boosting their happiness. The app is free and will be available for download on October 1.

 The Happy Button app has several functions to help users to boost happiness:

  • A daily inspirational message to boost their happiness level.
  • Video messages about happiness from experienced life and business coaches.
  • Audio messages about happiness from experienced life and business coaches.
  • Blog posts about achieving happiness written by life and career coaches.
  • A simple question to measure where you fall on the happiness scale for the day.
  • Your average daily, weekly and monthly happiness measure.

Chief Happiness Officer (CHO) Edwin Edebiri is excited about the Happy Button app and its potential to help users around the world:  “Many circumstances in life can’t be controlled.  Since most people (about 85%) have their smartphone or tablet with them most of the time, a happiness boost to your day is just a click away with the Happy Button app. Even better, you can help spread happiness by sharing the app with others!”

Pat Filice is one of the twenty life and business coaches participating in the Happy Button app.  Pat is the creator of the Manifest-8 Life System (, a simple 8 step process for taking complete control of your life and manifesting all the happiness your heart desires.  When Pat was invited to join Edwin and his elite team of coaches, he jumped at the opportunity.  “The Happiness Project is aligned perfectly with all that the Manifest-8 Life System stands for and is another tool in the toolbox of those who truly want nothing less than a remarkable life”

The app will be available for download through the Apple App Store and Google Play Store as of October 1 and later on Blackberry and Windows phones. The app is being built by Business Growth Experts, LLC with over 50 apps currently available in app stores including the Davis Music Festival and the Town of Parker host of the LPGA Solheim Cup tournament.

About I Am Happy Project: The I Am Happy Project is a non-profit organization with the mission of spreading happiness globally, one person at a time. In early 2009, Edwin Edebiri set out to shift people’s minds to happiness from the gloom and doom that dominates the news. The nonprofit is having an impact on our communities around the world with projects, such as, wrapping gifts for children in Davis, California, visiting seniors in Chicago, Illinois, and visiting orphanage homes in New Delhi, India and Benin City, Nigeria. I Am Happy Project groups are in 63 cities and 18 nations, representing every continent.

Edwin has appeared on many television and radio programs, many of which are available on the website Edwin is available for interviews and can be contacted at the email and telephone number listed above.

Locally, Pat Filice is available for interviews and can be contacted at and at 905-383-0828.

Success Principle No. 1: Take Responsibility for Yourself!


"In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves.  The process never ends until we die.  And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility", Eleanor Roosevelt


The first, and without doubt the most important success principle, is to take responsibility for yourself.  You and only you are responsible for the quality of life that you experience.  You and only you are responsible for the emotions that you experience on a daily basis.  You and only you can bring about the change that you wish to see in the world.
For some, this principle goes without saying.  It is self-evident and forms part of their reality.  But for most people, this is a foreign concept.  The great majority of people have been conditioned to blame others when something goes wrong.  When something isn't quite right, people tend to look outside of themselves for people, circumstances or events to blame - their parents didn't teach them properly, they grew up in a poor neighbourhood, the boss isn't supportive, there is not enough money, they aren't smart enough - the list goes on and on.

This first success principle insists that you look no further than yourself to determine the reason why everything is as it is.  You must assume 100% responsibility for your life.  This means acknowledging that everything that happens to you has been as a result of your decisions, actions or inactions.

If you want to be successful, you have got to give up blaming others.  You are where you are in life because of YOU and the choices you have made.

Now, the past is the past.  What you have chosen to do or not to do in the past cannot be undone.  Simply accept that fact now and accept the realization that this moment that you find yourself in, like it or not, is a direct result of the choices you have made.  You and only you are responsible for those choices and for where you are in life.
So, the question is, going forward, are you prepared and willing to take responsibility for your life?  The answer to that question better be yes.  If not, there is no point going beyond Success Principle No. 1.  Trust me when I tell you that there will be no shortage of people, events and things that get in the way of your plans.  All the other success principles pale by comparison to this one. It is the bedrock upon which all success lies.  YOU are responsible for your own success or failure.

So, if you are prepared to accept responsibility for yourself, then you will find ways around these people, events and things.  You will learn to ask empowering questions that allow you to learn from setbacks and failures and find ways to overcome rather than to point fingers and blame others.  You will grow from setbacks and challenges rather than use them as crutches and excuses.

And ultimately, you will succeed!

The Immutable Laws of Success


"Success leaves clues", Anthony Robbins

Success does in fact leave clues. That is the famous saying from Anthony Robbins in the quote above. What he is talking about in this quote is the concept that if we want to succeed in a particular facet of our lives, we simply need to find someone who is achieving the success we desire, study them and figure out exactly what they're doing, and do the same.We all want to be successful, whether it be in our careers, finances, relationships or spirituality. But for most of us, success is elusive and difficult. I've been a student of success for the greater part of 30 years now. This is true both in an intellectual capacity and as a matter of fact, particularly in the last few years. One of the things that I've learned from studying others, is that all those who have achieved varying levels of success in their lives have certain traits or characteristics which are common. All of the greatest successful men and women of history, whether consciously or subconsciously, follow certain timeless principles which are responsible for their success. Any level of success which I personally enjoy in my life is attributable to applying these principles day-in and day-out.Not only do I use these principles in my own life, but they have been instrumental in the lives of those who I coach on a regular basis. My students have achieved breakthrough successes in their finances, careers, relationships and spirituality, all because of these principles and techniques. These timeless principles have transformed their lives, creating greater happiness and fulfillment.These principles are not just a set of good ideas. They are not just my own personal opinions either, although I personally believe in each and every one of them. They are essentially immutable laws of nature. The principles and techniques always work! All one has to do is work the principles and techniques, and they will experience the same results as those successful people who came before them whom they seek to emulate. All one has to do is decide clearly what he or she wants, truly believe that they deserve it, and apply the principles and techniques religiously.The principles are the same for all people. It doesn't matter whether your goal is to be the top executive in your company, become the best lawyer in your firm, get top grades in school, lose weight, become a professional athlete, become a great father or mother, inspire your children to be all they can be --  the principles and techniques apply across the board. All one must do is learn the techniques and apply them with discipline each and every day of their lives and they will transform their lives beyond their wildest dreams.

In the coming weeks and months, I will begin to outline all of these timeless principles and techniques here on the Manifest-8 web blog. Some blog posts may be short and sweet while others more involved. Some may even span several postings relating to the same principle or technique. I welcome your comments and feedback and hope to see a lot of activity as people begin to both think about these principles and techniques and start to use them in their lives.  I would also love to hear any stories you may have about how you have applied these principles and techniques.

Remember, make each day count!

Pat Filice


The Power of God or Universal Mind

I was recently at a function where many well-to-do folks were present.  I couldn't help but notice, after several conversations, that the focus of many people's lives was the accumulation of things and financial wealth.  I wanted to share a wonderful biblical quote that I was reminded of that puts things into some perspective.

"A Life devoted to things is a dead life, a stump;

a God-shaped life is a flourishing tree."  Proverbs 11:28

Whether one believes in traditional notions of a God or gods or more contemporary notions of a Universal Mind, collective consciousness or "force" governing all living things, the key that must be emphasized is a focus on spirituality.

We are spiritual creatures that are temporarily in a physical state.  At the end of the day, never forget, you can't take it with you.

Have a great day and remember,

Make every day count . . .


Believe nothing . . .

"Believe nothing.  No matter where you read it, or who said it, even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense."  BUDDHA

The great Buddha, in the above quotation made to his pupils, was challenging them to use their own intellect and common sense to draw their own conclusions.  Great advice, one would have to agree.

Yet today, too many people rely on others to tell them how it is and what to do.  People rely upon investment advisors for their financial decisions, doctors to tell them what to do to stay healthy, accountants to tell them how to save money on their taxes, nutritionists to tell them what to eat, relationship counsellors to build their relationships - the list goes on and on.  It seems that we can't make even the most trivial of decisions nowadays without consulting with some specialist.

Now, I am not suggesting that these professionals don't have a role to play in their respective fields.  On the contrary.  But what I am suggesting is that every individual needs to educate themselves on the basics on whatever it is they seek advice on.  These decisions are too important to leave in the hands of others.  Your health is too important to blindly leave in the hands of your doctor.  Your life savings is too important to leave in the hands of your financial advisor.  Your marriage is too important to leave to the discretion of your relationship counselor.

These professionals are but tools and resources that are available to you to help you make the best decision you can.  But ultimately, you must take responsibility for yourself, responsibility for your health, responsibility for your finances, etc.  You are the only one who is truly looking out for you.  So, follow the infinite wisdom of Buddha.  Educate yourself on whatever it is you need help with first.  Then you will have the common sense to determine whether the advice you receive from these gurus resonates with you and should or should not be followed.

Pat Filice
Manifest-8 Life Systems & Coaching



M-8 Life System Overview Report Available January 1, 2013

Hi Everyone,

I am excited to reveal that the Manifest-8 Life System Overview Report will be available for immediate download on January 1, 2013.

This is an exciting Free Report on the basics of the Manifest-8 Life System.

Register at the right for our free newsletter and subscription service and you will receive immediate access to this powerful report.

And please, let us know what you think of both the Report and the Manifest-8 Life System.

Until next time, remember . . .

Make Every Day Count!

Pat Filice